02 June 2008

Farewell to Jiaxia

The lunch today was aptly called "A Shamelessly Self-Organised Farewell Lunch". "Shameless" may be too strong a word to use, but true to form, my soon-to-be former staff Jiaxia organised her own farewell lunch (for her impending departure from our organisation) because she was worried that no one will throw one for her.

But since this is a 'farewell' post, I will just write the good stuff and consign the bad stuff to my memory. But more on that later, let's take a look at the photos.

It has become almost a practice, but for our 'work' lunches, we always play Wii. I always try my best (look at my strokes below), although I am not very good at playing games, but I always lose to Jiaxia. Beginner's luck sometimes stay on for some, it seems.

Did I say I want to write some good comments? The list is short so bear with me. I will remember Jiaxia for her total disregard for authority and bluntly asking me questions like "Why do we have to do that?" (when those are questions for me to ask her actually). But being open-minded and accepting of the brashness of young people of Gen Y, these basic questions actually help me to ponder over the basis of why certain things are done.
Also, I will remember her for expanding my vocabulary with fanciful but totally useless words like "flaky" (so now you know who my flaky friend is), "iffy", "somnolent" and many more, which I cannot recall because I seldom use them; ok, so I have used somnolent to describe the state of some people in meetings.
But above all, I will miss her at work because until her replacement arrives, I have no one to arrow work to. Sigh!


Blive said...

Hey Gen X companion, you are not that old what!

Isn't it fun at your workplace? I always wanted a wii ever since i saw it here in the UK!

GB said...

Hi blive, yah..Wii is fun! Regarding the workplace, we owe it to ourselves to make it fun!