31 May 2008

Museum Day

On the recommendation of a flaky friend (more on flaky and flakiness in a later post), I visited the Singapore Museum with my family (today is the start of International Museum Day) -- for FREE! The Museum was renovated recently. Behind the orginal building, an annex of sort was constructed to add more exhibition space. See the photo below. The facade of the original building is on the right, whilst the main space is part of the new annex. This two buildings are linked by a canopy not unlike the design that will be used to link the old Supreme Court and City Hall -- guess great minds think alike.

On entering the museum, you see this gigantic and colorful David stature. I remembered the original statue was much smaller but could not locate it anywhere in the museum. I recall I was quite amused, when I visited the museum in my younger days, to see David's privates exposed. They still are. But my fascination has been replaced by a sense of pity for David, as he is erhmmm...not so endowned down there. But then again, maybe the artist did not wish to alarm the public! keke

There was an exhibition titled "Points of View". It struck a chord in me as the message is akin to the philosophy of "emptiness" in Buddhism. Like this exhibit made up of many PVC pipes. If viewed from far and at a certain angle, one can see two lines of words. But if one is in the middle of the dozens of PVC pipes, one is within the message but there is no message to be seen. Chim right?

I also liked this exhibit of a video of an underwater view of a swimmer. Very calming but I could not understand the message.

On the way back, I passed by this building which used to be the MPH bookshop. I have many fond memmories of spending my weekends here during my National Service Days, without money or a girlfriend, immersing myself in books.

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