27 May 2008

Thoughts on Pedra Branca

So Singapore won Pedra Branca, but not Middle Rocks. And South Ledge is still subject to more negotiations with our neighbours.

Whilst both parties have spoken through the media that they have done their homework extensively and that they are the rightful owners, when this goes before a third party, particularly a court of law, the onus is on the parties to provide evidence.

Like my old boss used to say, "Show me the data (or evidence)." And this cannot be more true in this case. At many a times, one really has to rely on the black-and-white.

In Singapore's case, a letter from the State of Johor declaring that they(Johor) do not have ownership over Pedra Branca was the key factor. On the other hand, on our neighbour's end, a so-called missing letter in which Great Britain (or the predecessor of Singapore in this instance) sought Johor's approval to construct the lighthouse would have tilted the balance of the decision. But, declaring is of no use, one has to produce documentation.

My office is going to implement e-registry/ filing. This is help in a long way to file as records some of the important correspondence which may be lost forever when officers get transferred or resign but did not take the time to print and file those emails.

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