25 May 2008

W's criteria for a girlfriend

Had dinner with my camp mates yesterday evening at the Guild House. Dinner was a very satisfying bbq buffet. The knowledge that ICT was impending did not deter us from going back to the buffet line time and again for more grilled food. I noticed W was more disciplined though, he only had one or two helpings of grilled rubbish and stuck to his salad. I could only admire his discipline from a distance.

You can always count on W for some laughs and he did not dissappoint. His being single always makes for good conversation and our discussion turned to his criteria for finding a girlfriend. The rest of us were engineer-trained so we rightly tackled the source of the issue -- he being picky.

W had 15 criteria. I thought he was pulling our legs, but as it turned out, he managed to cough out 15 criteria and more eg 1a, 1b.

Lest I bore you, the no.3 criteria brought out the most laughs. The girl had to be a good singer! And this was a priority over no.5 (or was it no.6) that she had to be filial. The other criteria more 'normal', like being sociable, being able to engage in a decent 'intellectual' conversation. He even got the age of the potential girl thought out!

I thought of a story my friend GM told me way back in NTU. In the story, the protagonist searched high and low, travelled the world to find the woman of his dreams. After years of searching, he returned home....alone. When his friends asked him did he find the woman of his dreams, he said "Yes, I did." "Then why did you not bring her back?", his friends inquired.

"She was also looking for the man of her dreams, but it wasn't me.".

W, hope you are reading.


Daniel134 said...
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Daniel134 said...

sounds like you all had fun during the dinner :)

GB said...

Yah, we did. You should join us next time.

Yanling said...

You might have read or heard this story a zillion times, but there is no harm to read again. (Story is copied from the internet (http://www.elanso.com/ArticleModule/IsUpJXJ2NiR6SsNsQmPpJ2Ii.html)

One day, Plato asked Socrates What love is.

Socrates said: I ask you to go across this rice field, pick up and bring back the biggest and best ear of wheat, but remember one thing, you cannot go back, and you just have one chance.

Then Plato did so, but he came back with nothing after a long time.

Socrates asked him why?

Plato answered: I once saw some very big and good wheat when i walked through the field, but i was always thinking that maybe there would some bigger and better ones, so i just passed by; but what i saw later is not better than before, so i had nothing at last.

Socrates said this is love.

Another day, Plato asked Socrates What marriage is.

Socrates said: I ask you to go across this forest, cut down and bring back the thickest and solidest tree as the Christmas tree, but remember one thing, you cannot go back and you just have one chance.

Then Plato did so, but he just brought back a not tall and solid but just good one.

Socrates asked him why?

Plato said: I saw some very good trees on my way in the forest, this time, i learned something from the last event of wheat, so i just chose this good one. If i didnot, i was afraid that i would come back with nothing again, though this one was not the best one i had seen.

This time, Socrates said with significance this is marriage.

One more time, Plato asked Socrates what happiness is.

Socrates said: I ask you to go across this field, pick the most beautiful flower, but remember one thing, you cannot go back, and you just have one chance.

Then Plato did so, and he came back with a fairly pretty flower.

Socrates asked him was this the most beautiful one.

Plato said: I saw this beautiful flower, picked it and thought this was the most beautiful one, when i walked in the field. And even I saw many beautiful ones, I still believed this was the most beautiful one, so i brought it back.

Then Socrates said profoundly this is happiness.

Again, Plate asked his teacher Socrates what affair is.

Socrates asked him to go through the forest again, and he could go back and bring back the most beautiful flower.

Plato went out with confidence, and came back, bring a bright but a little withered flower after two hours.

Socrates asked him whether this was the most beautiful flower.

He answered to his teacher: I was looking for the prettiest one for two hours and found this was the one, but on my way back, this picked flower was becoming withered.

Then Socrates told him this is affair.

The other day, Plato asked his teacher Socrates what life is.

Socrates asked him again to go through the forest, he could go back but must bring back the most beautiful flower.

Plate learned from last experience and went out with great confidence.

Three days passed, he didnot come back.

Socrates just walked into the forest to look for him and finally found him had pitched a camp in it.

Socrates asked him whether he had found the prettiest flower.

He pointed at a flower beside him and said this was the one.

Socrates asked him why he didnot bring it back.

He answered: If i did, it would be withered soon. Even i didnot, it would be sooner or later. So I was beside it when it was in its best blossom, and when it died, I would find the next; this was the second one i found here.

This time, Socrates told him: now you've already known the truth of life.