26 June 2008

My first cartwheel

Tonight, I attempted my first cartwheel, a not very standard one, at the ripe age of 33. Before I tried it, I was terrified, first, of falling on my head and cracking my neck, or toppling over. Second, of being laughed at for doing such a lousy cartsheel.

As it turned out, none of these happened. Although I probably performed an ugly cartwheel, no one laughed, and I even fell twice on my buttocks, but I felt a huge sense of relief for overcoming my mortal fear of injuring myself.

I told my coach, when it was finally my turn to try, that I was scared, and I really was. A very encouraging fellow student told me to remember to lock my arms and I will never injure myself. So I listened to him and did just that, after breathing in heavily in and out and psyching myself to just do it.

It was quite fun in the end. I will practice it in Botanic Gardens over the weekend on the grass patch, just in case I fall again. And I probabkly will.

1 comment:

Yuwen said...

hi mr giinbo!

ah..I suddenly remembered tt I have not visited ur blog for a longgg time...and..well, nice to see quite interesting updates like u learning wushu + doing cartwheels! hah..well, I've also become more active these days! I exercise more reguarly now..hohoho..not sure if I can still cartwheel though..keke shall try it some day..