21 June 2008

My wushu classes

Recently, at my family blog, I have been posting many youtube videos of wushu or what is commonly known as kungfu. And that is because I have recently picked up wushu, signed up at a nearby school and attended my third lesson yesterday. Today, my calves and stomach were sore from performing the exercises the coach taught.

So over the next few months, I will blog more about my experiences especially from the experience as the 'uncle' of my class -- although I joined the adult class, all of the other students are my juniors, one as young as 16.

I thoroughly enjoy my lessons and try to give my all during the classes. Well, I paid good money for it and I better make use of the time. This is a behaviour I can see also in my other classmates. This contrasts with my younger days as a primary school student learning Taekwondo at the CC near my house, totally clueless on what was happening and hence no commitment.

For my wushu class, it helped also that the coaches were very friendly and helpful. The owner of the school was a former national wushu team member and the rest of the teaching staff are from wushu colleges in China, so they are both very knowledgeable and equipped with the people skills that teachers should possess.

I decided to take up wushu because I wanted to be learning something new, and something different, which helps the brain to think out of the box. Wushu, is actually not about fighting, and really about training firstly the spirit and secondly the body, keeping it supple and healthy.

I also came to realise that even the very simple wushu moves we see on the movies are not easy to execute, and this journey for me is a very long one. And that's what will keep me going, because there is so much to learn.


Blive said...

Brave, well done! Excited that you are taking on something new.

Was just like that when i took up Aikido.

martial arts is never about fighting or self-defence. It is about personal development. All the best!

GB said...

Thanks! Am enjoying the lessons although they leave me exhausted!