31 October 2007
The Target Cafe again
30 October 2007
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. "
Are we expecting the same in our work and lives?
Vietnam coffee and two babes
Doesn't make sense to you? My friend Chee Keong invited me to his house to try out his "very good" vietnamese coffee which he bought during a recent trip. This to me is a "once in a blue moon".
Anyway, this was the coffee. The coffee was quite aromatic but being an uncle now, I prefer the friendly hawker centre's kopi-gao.
But I must still convey my thanks to CK for his sincerity and hospitality. Furthermore, I also got introduced to two very young friends, Kaixin and Xavier.
Henry Ford an Ignoramus?
This excerpt was taken from "http://www.tribune.com.ng/06102007/opinion.html".
Henry Ford, the automobile business mogul, brought suit against the Chicago Tribune, charging that newspaper with libelous publication of statements concerning him, one of which was the statement that Ford was “an ignoramus, an ignorant pacifist,” and so on. That was during World War I.
In the courtroom, the attorneys for Tribune undertook to prove that their statements were correct, that he was ignorant, and with this objective in mind, they catechized and cross-examined him on many subjects.
One question thrown at Ford was: “How many soldiers did the British send to subdue the rebellion in the colonies in 1776?” However, with a dry grin on his face, Ford nonchallantly replied: “I do not know just how many, but I have heard that it was a lot more than ever went back.”
This reply threw the courtroom into loud laughter from the jury, courtroom spectators, and even the depressed attorney who had asked the question. This line of cross-examination was prolonged for more than an hour, with Ford remaining perfectly calm. At the end, however, he was tired of it and in reply to a question which was particularly obnoxious and degrading, the business magnate straightened himself up, pointed his finger at the questioning attorney and retorted: “If I should really wish to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the others you have been asking, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push buttons hanging over my desk and, by placing my finger on the right button, I could call in men who could give me the correct answers to all the questions you have asked and others that you haven’t the intelligence to ask or to answer. Now, will you kindly tell me why I should bother about filling my head with a lot of useless details in order to answer every foolish question that anyone may ask, when I have able men all around me who can supply me with all the facts I want when I call for them?”
There was graveyard silence in the courtroom. The questioning attorney’s jaw dropped and his eyes opened wide. The judge leaned forward from the bench and gazed in Mr. Ford’s direction. Many of the jury awoke and looked around as if they heard an explosion, which they actually had.
Readers, Henry Ford’s answer proved to all who had the intelligence to accept the proof that true education means mind development, not merely the gathering and classifying of knowledge. Ford could not, in all probability, have named the America’s state capitals, but he could have, and in fact had gathered the capital with which to turn many wheels within every state in the union.
Test Tube Apple Juice
Systems Thinking (2)
After reading the post, my wife said she still was not very clear on what were the systems, loops and connections I was talking about. I will relate two stories which Dr Jacob said.
====== Story 1/ Seeing Loops ======
A newly married lady found it unbearable to live with her mother-in-law. The often argued and the family became a very unhappy place. It got so bad that this lady went to see a TCM doctor and asked for some herbs which can help to get rid of her mother-in-law. The doctor told her that he will give her some herbs, but because if the mother-in-law died suddenly, it is too obvious, the herbs will only take effect after some time. And also to prevent suspicion, the doctor said that the lady must be very nice and obedient to her mother-in-law until the day that the mother-in-law dies. So this lady dutifully followed the advice and this went on for six months. Thereafter, she went to the TCM doctor but now asked for medicine to prevent her mother-in-law from dying. After these six months, the mother-in-law has grown to like her and she in turn has accepted and also grown to love her mother-in-law. The TCM doctor said that the herbs he gave were actually normal herbs which had only beneficial properties. The poison was actually in the lady's mind which needed to be cleansed.
The loop was actually a vicious loop: lady angry with mother-in-law >> mother-in-law angry with lady and so on.
After spotting such loops in our work or life, we can then take steps to reverse the vicious loop. And the area to work on is where we have the most control, often, it is our selves.
====== Story 2/ Seeing Connections ======
A lady who had a severe headache went to see a TCM doctor. The pain was too much to bear and she could not understand what was the cause of the pain. She was therefore puzzled that the doctor, after diagnosis, gave her medicine to use on her feet. After clarification, the doctor said that the headache was actually from the lady's constipation and did she know that the feet is actually linked to the head via nerves.
This story shows that if we fail to see the connection between things, we may not be able to see the solution of the issue.
Air grounded
This was the air-cushion component of my nike air shoe which retired after close to three years of service. I did not notice that the soles of the shoes were coming off. In the middle of the class, the soles simply came off so I, out of finding something to do, dug out the air cushion.
And because of this, I had to buy a new pair of shoes. These are my new shoes.
Luckily, these pair of shoes had only the larger sizes left so it costs $79. The shoes are light and adequately cushioned. Will use them in the Singapore Bay Run tomorrow.
29 October 2007
Think Big, Start Small
The lecturer, Dr Jacob Lee, pointed out that in systems, people normally see the components but fail to see the connections within the system.
He also spoke on the "loops" in our lives; loops are systems. As an example, the obvious loop is one of a char kway teow store and how the shop owner keeps his customers coming back for more. And loops could either lead to a vicious cycle (where matters keep deteriorating) or a virtuous cycle (where matters keep getting better).
And if we are in a vicious cycle, and these are normally systemic problems which are very difficult to solve, one way to break the cycle is to start at the area where one has the most control and to start SMALL but having a BIGGER aim in mind -- Think Big Start Small.
And in many times, the assumptions we make in resolving problems may actually lead to the problem becoming worse. For example, if in a company, increasing numbers of staff are resigning but management merely chooses to mitigate the situation increasing pay instead of looking at other issue like motivation or whether the staff is adequately trained, the situation may never get better.
That's all for today :)
Ayam Penyet or Smashed Chicken
28 October 2007
圆的不能拿 Prata
There was a quaint looking washing point in the food court. We used this to wash our hands before and after our meal.
Uni friend, A
Looking at the photos again, I am reminded of many of my class mates. Darren, Siong Teck and Ek Ming who were from AJC as well; Darren incidentally was my AJC basketball captain. Kar Sing and Wayne lived in Hall 11 as I did and we often walked back to our hostels together after classes. Wayne and I sometimes met then to have an evening jog together. Kar Sing was a Liverpool fan and we frequently discussed football matches. There is also this friend, forgot his name, who was in my platoon in SISPEC. He was very outstanding in SISPEC and made it to OCS subsequently.
27 October 2007
Stiff Chilli
The Whole Crab Spaghetti taste good and the crab is fresh, but I personally find the portion small, suitable for small eaters.
The TARGET cafe and more
Soon Heng recommended the grilled fish (dory) set. We waited quite a while for the food to come, but the wait was worth it. We had seven persons for dinner but we ended up ordering 10 dinner sets (8 fish, 1 chicken and 1 lamb). Such was the quality of the food that we had to have more. And the best thing, each set costs a mere $5.90!
Thanks to Soon Heng, we had a very enjoyable gathering with good and affordable(can be considered cheap) food.
And what was the occasion for? Our friend Soon Heng will be departing next week for a long 18 months on-the-job training in the States. Besides missing our brotherhood (haha) for this period, he will also be missing our in-camp-training next year; I am sure Weiyang will miss Soon Heng's support and steadfastness in Platoon 1.
Thereafter we adjourned for drinks at the nearby Craving "Something" (forgot the name liao). Most of the guys had beer, I had milkshake.
That's Winston between my milkshake and Soon Heng's Stella Artois.
Kelvin reminiscing on the labours of childbirth.
Of course, as the alcohol entered the blood stream, the TCSS started. Winston started giving fatherly advice to Soon Heng on how to liberate oneself in a foreign land.
After a good hour or so of TCSS, it was time for hand shakes and goodbyes. A tentative plan was hatched to visit Soon Heng in California for a road trip to see the sights in the States. Let's see how it goes.
25 October 2007
24 October 2007
Run On Wednesday
Today was the inaugural day of this R.O.W (as coined by the increasingly rotund Chee Keong). Five of us drove from office to Botanic Gardens. By the time we reached, it was around 6.55pm and it was getting dark. Chee Keong ran by himself -- said he wanted to explore the place -- actually he did not want us to see how slow he has become! The rest of us ran or rather jogged together for around 25 mins. The air was cool, the surroundings quiet and the darkness inviting. So it was an enjoyable run for me, at least. We agreed to run again next Wednesday, maybe for a little longer haha.
23 October 2007
National Orchid Garden
Orchids, lots of them. What else in the Orchid Garden?
21 October 2007
A380 in seven minutes
20 October 2007
Happy to be BACK...
Anyway, for my friends who are about my age, do wear your guards (knee, wrist, ankle...whatever) when you engage in ball games. Its no fun breaking anything!
19 October 2007
18 October 2007
Looking Back - P@rt 2
16 October 2007
Dinner at The Manhattan Fish Market
Visited Central Mall with my wife for the first time. We originally wanted to partonise the japanese restaurants but most of them had long queues so we decided to try this Fish Market instead.
The menu is very similar to that of Fish & Co. We tried the Grilled Gala Platter for two ($29.90). The platter comprises a big slab of grilled dory, four grilled mussels and prawns, grilled calamari with a generous helping of fries and garlic rice. My wife commented that the food was tastier compared to Fish & Co. For me, I would come back to this restaurant again because the ambience and food is good.
Service charge and GST are applicable.
Looking Back - P@rt 1
Here I am... on a retrospective side...
BBQ Gathering @ Ah Yeo's 2005
This was 2 years back. Cannot remember what were we celebrating about... Haha!
2004 BBQ @ East Coast Chalet
I still remember that this happened just after the restructuring and it was really a good break for me as the work was getting on my nerves...
It was really a rare chance that the ex WD people to get together and have fun.
Okie, I think I will continue searching for interesting stories to tell.... till then! BYE!