18 June 2009

Three wishes for Jet Li, my fellow Singaporean

If today's reports in the newspapers are true, Jet Li has become a Singaporean and a proud owner of a Good Class Bungalow. This is a happy piece of news. Although there are critics (there always are people who just cannot see the positive side of anything), my sentiments are that a talent hungry city state like Singapore need world class personalities and the addition of Jet Li will hopefully set off a virtous cycle.

I have three wishes for Jet Li.

First, I wish that he will enjoy Singapore, spend a considerable amount of time exploring our little state and hawker centres and gradually become a real Singaporean, complete with lahs and lors.

Second, I wish that despite his fame he will be left alone in Singapore, free from parapazzi, his privacy respected by the local media, so he can concentrate on his One-Foundation, bringing hope to the needy people of the world.

Third, I wish that with his considerable influence bring the world closer to Singapore, win more friends for Singapore and to spark interest in our island. I mean, Jet Li gave up US citizenship for Singapore, there must be something good right?

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