09 November 2007

Day off (9Nov07)

Took a day off today for a long weekend but still went back to office to have breakfast with Poh LY. And since I was there, went to office to discuss some work with my colleague before going home. I also arranged to have lunch at Margaret Drive with my colleagues. Since they were nearer to Margaret Drive than I was, they reached earlier. By the time I arrived, this was what was left of the food.
Of course I refused to eat this!

Anyway, there is an excellent program in our company called the Staff Well Being time. Every Friday, staff can leave work and engage in any sports activity at 4pm. For a few colleagues of mine, we frequently play badminton at our company's recreation club. Since the program is so pro-staff, the wonder is that the take-up is so dismal. Many claimed that they are too busy, or because their boss do not participate, so they do not participate. Some say other colleagues will gossip behind their backs -- if they have time to play sports, they cannot be busy enough! What do you do with such people???

But I have never believed in all these petty politics and I always go for my staff well being activity unless there is a hot-potato-case on my hands and urgently needed to be solved. I would like to argue that those who can afford to go to such activities and still get their work done are the efficient ones. Hah!

Here are the four of us after our game. We had a very good and sweaty workout. Don't ask me why the girls look strange...they seem normal if you meet them everyday.
Dinner time. Wife and I went to Fish&Co at Suntec as I was yearning for some fish.

Wife, ever camera shy, had the sambal fish ($18.90) and I had a new dish which was called Wrasse Picatta ($16.90).
Taste was quite standard. The only grouse was that the portions could have been more generous.


tracy said...

how i wish i could join you guys for badminton! =)

GB said...

Hi Tracy

Thanks for dropping by. Sure you can when if you decide to "come back". :)