28 July 2009

Ten-Thousand Hours

According to the book Outliers, that's how long it takes to practise to be a master, of anything. From music, to programming to sports.

In a study, the star violinists were the ones who practised more than the normal good ones. In football, I recall David Beckham saying he followed the example of Eric Cantona, staying back after the rest have left, to practice his free kicks.

That's why there is a saying the harder you work, the luckier you become, and the more successful you can be.


Anonymous said...

10,000 hours =

10,000 hours / 8 hours per day = 1,250 days (equiv to 1250 days/365 days = 3.4 Years! including Sat/Sun/holidays)

If excl Sat/Sun/holidays, it is about 5 years (w effective 8 hours practice per day); excluding 'eat snake' =))

No Free Lunch.... :)

Yanling said...

But to be a master in his field, a person has to have some raw inherent 'talent' in himself. Without that raw 'talent', the thousands or millions of hours spent would probably count for nothing.

molly said...

I always admire those who can spend that 10,000 hrs to perfect something. How they sustain the committment. Willing to spend the hours is one thing but spending it wisely is another...

Blive said...

reminds me of the story about how everyone wants to play golf like tiger woods but nobody wants to put in the number of hours he spent every day hitting golf balls!