27 September 2007

A story

There was a man, let's call him A, that I had a run-in with two ICTs ago. Even from far, you know he was a potential problem. He had an air of unhappiness, and despite obviously knowing, he came to ICT with dyed hair. We had problems with his attendance and OC had to ask him to leave and forgo that particular ICT.

This year, he joined our flight again for ICT. For some reason, he was excused from field deployment. However, I was plesantly surprised to see A fully committing his energies drawing stores with the rest of the men. For example, when we were drawing GS benches from ST Log, he carried two benches at one go. When returning our bunks at the end of the ICT, for a moment, two pillows could not be located in his bunk. A volunteered immediately to pay from his own pockets to sign the 1206.

I had a chance to talk to him. I told him he looked happier during this ICT. He looked at me, eyes bright and said "我想通了!" .


Yang said...

Good for this PTE A, I am this attitude of his will take him further outside of ICT.

Just a comment about the pillows... I heard some men came back during the shower party and took 2 pillows back out to field... maybe it is still out there somewhere.

GB said...

Oh. The pillows were found in the end in another bunk. So no 1206 this in-camp.