25 September 2007

Cambodia, Nov 2006

(We were walking around Phnom Penh and chanced upon the Singapore Crest. It was our embassy in Cambodia. Here we are lining up in front of the embassy for a photo shoot. We asked but were not allowed to enter. Haha. So much for patriotism.)

Six of us went on a trip together to Cambodia in Nov 2006. Our aim was primarily to visit Angkor Wat, cradle of ancient civilisation. We had a lot of fun and some frustration as well, particularly the time at Siem Reap where we have a quarrel with the tuk tuk drivers who wanted to rip us off. Kelvin managed to outwit those fellows! Unfortunately for Kelvin as well, he fell sick and endured much of the journey in suffering. Soon Heng mentioned our next trip will be to Vietnam so Soon Heng, we are waiting for your Ops Order. Main street in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia.

After buying a pirated Lonely Planet book for US$5.

A typical sight at the local wet markets.

We don't see this anymore in Singapore.

I miss the beef stew for breakfast at our hotel in Phnom Penh.

Six of us (plus the driver) squeezed into this old and battered Toyota Camry for the transfer from the hotel to the jetty. Thankfully, the journey lasted less than 10 mins.

Enduring a 5-hour boat ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. The return trip was in a coach and it was much much worse.

We woke up early to catch the dawn at Angkor Wat. Here's Kelvin taking the perfect shot.

Here's the dawn which we woke up early to catch.

Notice the eyes. They tell you everything.

Meals were always exciting times, wondering what the dishes would taste like.

I think this temple is called Ta Prohm.

Trying to be funny.

Looks steep? It is steep. See the next photo.

It is so steep that a hand-rail in the form of a steel bar was installed for visitors to hold on to when descending from the temple. Even our 84mm commander and Pl 1 Sect Comd had to use the hand-rail!

On the advice of my colleagues, I brought some pencils and erasers over. They were put to good use here.

Dinner time (last night in Siem Reap).

Buying coach tickets from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh. Like I mentioned earlier, the coach ride was horrendous.

1 comment:

Yang said...

Talking about the bus ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap... oh my god... I can still remember the driver played all the old Jackie Chan movies but dubbed in their local language. And the best part was after 2 movies, he had nothing to play and put on LOCAL MTV ... replaying and replaying ... I wished someone would tell the driver to drive and stop the MTV. This was the worst 7 hours of my stay in Cambodia.