27 February 2010

Primary Sch Friends Gathering, Lau Pa Sat, 26 Feb 10

This was the third gathering I attended. I suppose it was a matter of time when we have shared enough memories of school life, then either find the meetings boring and join the group less or find topics that will appeal to our (middle-aged) minds.

We did a little of the latter at this gathering, sparked off by a sharing of readings Buckminster Fuller and Robert Kiyosaki. Only towards the end of the gathering did I realise where my friend was coming from when he went deeper into his life journey which was not exactly smooth.

But I also realised the importance of diplomacy, especially in sharing one's beliefs and especially if you would like to convince others.

1 comment:

Blive said...

pray share more on the importance of diplomacy which you mentioned in your post... ;)