26 September 2008

Coastal Cleanup

LAST Saturday was World Coastal Clean-up Day. In a nutshell, people around the world who are concerned about the environment especially around the coast/ beach, gather to clean up the beaches. In Singapore, the impact is not really to clean up because the cleaners are doing a darned good job anyway, but to get people closer to the environment, and realise for ourselves that we can do our little part and also that despite all the best efforts of the contracted cleaners, there is still a fair amount of litter to clean up.
My colleagues excited at finding a dead fish!

My personal experience in that one hour plus exercise was that it is not the big pieces of litter that is the problem, but the small pieces of rubbish like scraps of paper, bits of styroforam and the worst culprit of all, cigarette butts. I easily picked up close to a hundred.

Consolidating our rubbish.

It was an insightful time for me personally. My only regret was that the organising committee was unable to persuade more people from the office to join in the experience.

1 comment:

Blive said...

glad to see you all enjoying yourself during the clean-up.

No worries, its all about awareness. Keep at it, and soon there will be more people joining in. Sooner or later, people will be aware of the environmental impact and contribute.