26 September 2008

Visiting WM's place

Because WM looks like a minor HK celebrity, I have to respect his need for confidentiality and not reveal where his place is. He would only agree to stating that it is in a "high class residential estate".

M, KS and I were the only invitees from office which goes to show how much he valued the Pek-Kio All-You-Can-Eat. The gifts that we bought for WM were also from Pek Kio's Lucky Minimart! haha...
As I am not allowed to show too much of his abode, this group photo is all I can share on the internet.

Coastal Cleanup

LAST Saturday was World Coastal Clean-up Day. In a nutshell, people around the world who are concerned about the environment especially around the coast/ beach, gather to clean up the beaches. In Singapore, the impact is not really to clean up because the cleaners are doing a darned good job anyway, but to get people closer to the environment, and realise for ourselves that we can do our little part and also that despite all the best efforts of the contracted cleaners, there is still a fair amount of litter to clean up.
My colleagues excited at finding a dead fish!

My personal experience in that one hour plus exercise was that it is not the big pieces of litter that is the problem, but the small pieces of rubbish like scraps of paper, bits of styroforam and the worst culprit of all, cigarette butts. I easily picked up close to a hundred.

Consolidating our rubbish.

It was an insightful time for me personally. My only regret was that the organising committee was unable to persuade more people from the office to join in the experience.

07 September 2008

Ah Bo at Chinese Orchestra

This is a loooooooooooong overdue post. Took the photo using my VGA phone again... :p no 5-pixel like WM's. Anyway, this was taken during one of the Chinese Orchestra rehearsals for the PS21 Award Ceremony.

He was trying to pretend that he knew how to play that... but I think he looked the part.... Haha!

Farewell Tre@t 2 for WM

We can sense that WM wasn't too pleased about the "Eat All U Can" at Pek Kio. So in order not to offend the scholar-to-be, KS decided to take the initiative and give WM another treat (on behalf of us)! It was a more "extravagant" treat at Far East Plaza, "Man Jia Le", one of my favourite lunch places cos I like the maggie mee there. Hehe!

Oh yes, back to WM... I think this time round, he was much more satisfied abt the lovely treat. Look how happy he was!

(Pardon for the blur photo as it was taken using my VGA hp)

05 September 2008


Here I am, two days after surgery, blogging at my parents' place, where I have stayed for recovery since Wednesday. More details of my LASIK experience can be read at my family blog "Liew Family Life".