16 July 2010

Gen Stanley McChrystal

I chanced upon a sole remaining copy of THE Rolling Stones magazine that featured the now infamous interview of the belaguered military general. Now, I have never bought the said magazine before and at $13.40 it seemed too expensive just for one story, although the cover page featured Lady Gaga.

Still, I bought the magazine and read the story on Stan the very night.

As a soldier and leader, he has joined his men in their missions, braving stray bullets and ruthless forces.

While he said things he should not have said, and Obama really have no choice but to remove Stan from command, reading the article in entirety, what came across to me was a frustrated General fighting a impossible war (started by an ex president), an enemy that is elusive and allies that do not always appear to be helpful. Against this backdrop, his was a voice calling for recognition of the problems that beset his mission.

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