03 January 2009

Dr Lee Kai Fu

For this post, I would like to introduce a person and his website. I came to know of Dr Lee Kai Fu, fomerly of Microsoft and now Google, from a book I was reading on Microsoft's strategy in China. Only after reading the book did I realised that Microsoft had been tapping the vast talents that China offers for some time. In fact, as testament to the importance of Chinese talent, Dr Lee rose to Corporate Vice President by the time he left Microsoft.

In China, Dr Lee led the research center of Microsoft in Asia and having a Chinese person helm it was strategic because of the need to work through the many layers of government. But my post is not on this subject of the 'guanxi' building.

Dr Lee became well known in China because of his Microsoft work. For the Centre, he had to recruit and interview many Chinese students and through this, he set up a website to offer advice to youths on career options and life in general. Like many Chinese, their roots are unshakebly Chinese and contributing back to the motherland was always on their mind. The website was one of the ways Dr Lee engaged the youths.

I visited the website and was impressed by the vast content available. The resources are open to anyone who can understand Mandarin. Shortly, I will share some of the articles which I find useful and translate them to English.

The URL is http://www.5xue.com/

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