30 March 2008

Karaoke night

Joined my young colleagues (I am considered uncle-level amongst them) for a karaoke session. Before the song singing, we went for dinner. As it was on the way and we did not want to have fried and hence heaty fast food, we opted for japanese food at Wasabi Tei at Far East Plaza. The food was good and value for money as usual. The service was also, as it has always been, characteristically bad. The owner cum chef, although he looks japanese, his attitude is definitely not japanese. Before the sashimi came.

Me figuring how to use the remote control. It has been years since I stepped into a karaoke joint.
My young colleagues seemed impressed. haha

Mr Qu.
Mr Qu has strong jaws. Like Emil Chau. But not the singing ...keke

Miss Xie forgot to take off her glasses for the photo.
The uncle and the young colleague.


Yuwen said...

liewzz gb!

can remove the last 2 photos pls..hahaha so embarrassing!!!!!

GB said...

haha..have removed them.

Mr A said...

...after I have seen them. :)

molly said...

ay!! wat are the Last photos?????

molly said...

ay!! wat are the Last photos?????

GB said...

I have removed them since Miss Xie requested.