26 October 2008

The retro days

Keong's Farewell Lunch

This was one of Keong's many farewell lunches/ dinners thrown for him. The farewell had to be a lunch because M (the organiser) could not find a time when keong was free in the evening for a dinner gathering. But anyway, Keong was so happy we remembered him that he brought his own camera along; normally he would just ke-poh others' photos.

Keong is going to be seconded on an overseas posting. With his immense charm, intelligence and diplomatic wit, he should not only survive but thrive. Our hopes are that he returns with an ang-moh wife. haha!

07 October 2008

G's wedding dinner

My third wedding dinner attended in September, must be a good month probably as it was in the eighth lunar month. Also my 2nd emcee assignment in the same month. The groom G is my friend in my reservist unit and the guys here are all from the same unit. And like most weddings, the 'army' table got called up to be the yum seng party.
And the red 'bomb' keeps on coming. Another wedding this Thursday, also an army friend.
Congrats again to all the 天下有情人!

04 October 2008

At work - listening to a speech

One of the rare moments when I am captured in the office. Normally I will be doing the taking of photos.

02 October 2008

WY and his baby Chloe

Met WY, his wife for dinner last week with wife. Also, this was the first time I saw baby Chloe after I visited her at the hospital. Almost two months all and she has grown quite a bit. Very well behaved in public but a total pampered girl at home, according to the father.