14 December 2007

My 1st post on this blog...

Ello Everyone,

This is the very first time I’m blogging and yea, decided to post something after reading Miss Molly’s posts about working. Haha…ok just to introduce myself a little, I joined the organisation in June 07 and I’m in the same division as miss molly, which is GB’s ex-division…so I noe them!

Just some reflections about how I feel after working here for the past 6 months. This is my first job upon graduation and I’m glad that my colleagues are, in general, nice pple and I’ve got a bunch of really good friends here, which makes life here pretty fun !! ~^^~ Regarding work itself, I’d say that whatever I’m doing now is totally new to me because of my educational background, but yea I’m relieved that there are some v experienced and cooperative people around to help me, so well I guess I'm fortunate to have such supportive and helpful colleagues and that makes working life less undesirable…(by the way, I still think schooling is much better than working, haha).

Referring to Molly’s post titled “Things to improve at work”, I guess I can add on to what she has written…I totally agree that we should have shorter meetings! I just attended a 3.5 hr long meeting yesterday morning, but still we didn’t accomplish much. I suggest to limit ALL meetings to max. 2 hrs. I remember hearing this during a talk back in my JC days: Maximum attention spent for humans – 15min. After 15min, the amount of attention spent diminishes exponentially and when 45min is up, attention spent = 0. This is why we all need a BREAK after 1hr, albeit a short one. So, no point wasting time on LONG meetings which are not going to get us anywhere.

Sometimes, I think it’s the nature of what our division is doing that makes things a little unpleasant; we’re the so-called FIREFIGHTERS of our division, got to be alert 24hrs..I remember waking up a few times in the middle of the night because of incoming SMSes about emergencies. I used to be really excited whenever I receive an sms, wondering which friend has messaged me! But now, I think SMSes are a nightmare. >_< Because we are at the frontline, our bosses esp. are under quite a lot of stress, and this translates into a rather high degree of kiasu/kiasee-ism in terms of the way our division works. Maybe this is something that I have to get used to..?..

Oops I guess I’ve written too much crap…that’s all I want to say! (Hmm or rather, that’s all I can say because something that I learnt after working here: anything written in black n white is dangerous!! LOL~)


GB said...

Hi Yuwen,

Thanks for your post and appreciate your candor. Sorry, but I edited away the organisation name to protect the innocent :p

molly said...

Haahaha Miss Xie, Finally U r part of the Bloggers here! Well done... Keep those photos and postings coming ok? Hehe!

Yuwen said...

Hey molly n gb, oh my..I jus came here to remove my post coz it jus occurred to me that I've put in too many details in the post. Phew thanks for editing, gb.